Note: The IGRF is the first two (2) pages from the Statsbook; IGRF submissions must include pages 1 with the game information, rosters, and signatures and page 2 with the Officials' Rosters and Coaching Staff.
Submit the completed Statsbook for the game using the JRDA Statsbook Submission Form. The following tabs of the Statsbook must be fully entered prior to submission: IGRF, Score, Penalties(-Lineups), Official Reviews, and OS Offset (where applicable).
ADVISORY: Only Google Sheets files using the JRDA Statsbook template (linked below) are acceptable for Statsbook submissions. All other formats will be rejected.
The JRDA Statsbook Manual (linked below) includes a pre-submission checklist (see Appendix A) which includes everything that should be checked prior to submitting a Statsbook to avoid common mistakes and errors.